august 18th 2019 8am-2pm? no entry fees $20 raffle per car that one lucky winner will win EVERYONE IS WELCOME projects to trailer queens the address is brasas do brazil churrascaria 1631 willow pass rd concord ca 94520 let me know if youre going to come out 916-289-8450 you can check out some of the cars that are coming out on my fb page duane kadinger
everyone is welcome there will be t shirts available and trophies for first second and third place we get our own private saloon and a GENEROUS $50% off the buffet thanks to the owner of brasas do brazil and dont forget the raffle that one lucky winner will get its going to be a great time with great people there cars and great food Ill see you there
Sounds like a great time, I hope you have a good turn out as there seems to be a lot of Mavs and Comets in your area or close
thanks for the positive note I believe it will be the biggest turn out yet with some really nice cars in the mix I havent seen in person yet. SOME guys are just slackers they have nice cars with a couple of hours work they could bring it but that couple of hours has been waiting for months lol